(HQ) Updates on ELC Foxtrot and ELC Gospel: Ethical Topics, Gospel in 3D Cultures, and Worship

  •  The Emerging Leaders Cohort Foxtrot team (6th cohort) of six members recently finished the course on Ethical Topics (human sexuality, social justice) led by Dr. Augustine S. and P. Kevin A. They are now studying the course "Communicating the Gospel in the Context of 3D Cultures" (multicultural ministry) with four sessions led by Dr. Sarah A. and Liz H. ELC Foxtrot will graduate in October.
  • The Emerging Leaders Cohort Gospel team (7th cohort) comprises seven members in their first year. They have just finished their fourth course on grace and faith, which comprised five sessions with P. Mark V. They are currently studying the topic of worship facilitated by P. Kevin A. Following that, they will study the topic of Inductive Bible Study led by P. Ron W.


by HQ

Updates on ELC Foxtrot and ELC Gospel

The ELC Foxtrot Cohort (the 6th team of Emerging Leaders Cohort) recently finished the course on Evangelism, which had three sessions (led by P. Kevin and Little Sarah), and the course on Christian Leadership, which had four sessions (led by Dr. Paul H.). The Cohort is thankful to God for blessing them. They are now studying ethical topics (human sexuality, social justice).

The 7th team of ELC ("Gospel Cohort") has recently completed their third course on Holistic Ministerial Person, which was led by P Greg L. and Dr. Paul C. They are currently delving into the topic of grace through five sessions, which are being led by P. Mark V. We kindly request you to keep the seven members in your prayers: Josephine K. (Trenton, US), Grace B. (Madison, US), Sabastine O. (Unilag, Nigeria), David C. (Springfield, US), Dylan B. (I-Vine, US), Daniel K. (Vancouver, Canada), and Victor R. (Chicago, US). The announcement for the new cohort will be made soon.


By. Augustine S.

The Emerging Leaders Cohort Gospel Team started their first year. The Emerging Leaders Cohort Gospel team, which is the seventh cohort of the two-and-a-half-year program, was formed in December 2023. The team members are Josephine K. (Trenton, US), Grace B. (Madison, US), Sabastine O. (Unilag, Nigeria), David C. (Springfield, US), Dylan B. (Urbana-Champaign, US), Daniel K. (Vancouver, Canada), and Victor R. (Chicago, US). On January 6, 2024, they met for orientation. This year, they will engage in eight different courses, starting with “God and His Reign.” Please pray for them to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and be equipped as ministers of Christ.

The ELC Foxtrot team is the sixth team (2 ½ year program) that started in August 2022. The team members are Ian A. (Toronto), Stephen G. (Lehigh), Michael M. (Eau Claire), Stephen K. (Catonsville), Alinne T., and Bahati K. (Chicago). They completed their first-year program in July 2023, which included nine courses of five weeks each. The courses covered topics such as God and His Reign, Essential Theology, Holistic Ministerial Person, Worship, Grace and Faith, Walking by the Spirit, Word of God, Prayer, and Preaching. After finishing three courses on Spiritual Warfare, Apologetics, and Community, they are now engaging in the topic of marriage. Let us continue to pray for them to be equipped as ministers of Christ.