(CANADA) 2023 Canadian Disciples’ Conference (CDC) Titled, "God's Hope for You"

Thank God for blessing the 2023 Canadian Disciples’ Conference “God’s Hope for You”.  The theme of God’s hope was inspired by the challenges young people face today especially in the times that we are living in when there are so many false, lost or dead hopes in the world. God has great hope for young people in this generation. Young people today can change the world for Jesus.

God blessed this conference as we were praying for 100 people to attend. Over 115 people registered. Over the course of three days, from December 28-30, disciples of Jesus from 19 chapters from across Canada gathered online for this conference. We were encouraged and God worked to plant hope in the hearts of young people through the messages, testimonies, Bible studies, praise, prayer, and fellowship in Jesus.

For this conference, God raised up three messengers and six testiomony speakers. Sion L. from Humber/UTM UBF, gave our first message on Mark 3:13-19 when Jesus called the Twelve. Jesus called the Twelve disciples who were not among the elite of society, but Jesus chose ordinary men with hope for them, becoming disciples and eventually changed the world history. Jesus called them because he wanted them to be with him and then to send them out. Jesus has hope for each of us as he personally calls us out of our hopeless situation to be with him and follow him. 

The conference also included two group Bible studies with 14 groups, led by young disciples. A workshop was given by Melissa C. (Montreal) on the topic of biblical sexuality based on Thessalonians 4:3a “For this is the will of God, your sanctification.” The workshop helped us to have a right understanding of sex and relationships and our identity as his holy creation. This was meaningful for young people who live in a time when there is so much immorality and confusion among sexuality may God bless young people to live as holy children of God, who can use their single life to fully serve Jesus, and also establish house, churches as examples for young families today. The ultimate goal when it comes to sexuality is to glorify God by denying ourselves, taking up our cross, and following Jesus. 

Thank God for all his servants, who prayed and served this disciples conference who worked together beautifully to pray, prepare and serve this conference. All glory to God!!