(USA) Jim R. Representing North American Elders Visited Boston UBF from October 14-16, 2023

by HQ

Boston UBF Visiting Report

Key Verse: 1 John 4:10
“In this is love, not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins.”

Jim R. (representing North American Elders) together with Dr. Helen visited Boston UBF from October 14-16, 2023, at the invitation of Dr. John K. On Saturday, Dr. Helen presented a special lecture on Creation/Evolution entitled “By Design Or By Chance?” Many members asked questions about evolution and the complexity of God’s creation by our Creator God. Jim gave the Sunday message on 1 John 4, titled, “In This is Love.” What our troubled world needs most is to know and abide in the love of God that sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

Following the message, Dr. Helen shared her life testimony about Jesus the Living Water. There is a great work of God in Boston—student Bible studies have started at Harvard and Boston College, and students are attending the Sunday Worship Service. Three leaders—Dr. John K., Dr. David, and Peter L.—are serving as joint leaders, serving message rotation. Boston is a critical city for campus evangelism—there are around 35 colleges and 150,000 students there. Pastor Abraham and Dr. Liz L. have served to support and develop this unified ministry for many years. God may bless our prayers to raise another full-time shepherd for Boston ministry and raise many disciples among students in Boston.