(HQ) Many Coworkers Gathered at Dr. Lee's Headstone on October 7th, 2023, Commemorating his Life of Faith

by John S.

On Saturday, October 7, a group of coworkers came together at Dr. Lee's headstone for a touching and inspirational gathering. M. Martin M. from Kansas City delivered a poignant testimonial message based on Mark 11:22: "Have faith in God." He shared personal anecdotes about his journey of faith and how the guidance and mentorship of Dr. Samuel Lee played a pivotal role in strengthening his belief in God. M. David P. from Los Angeles, M. Peter P. from Toledo, and M. Joshua L. from Indianapolis offered representative prayers. It was a moment of reflection and inspiration, where coworkers came together to celebrate their shared faith and honor the legacy of Dr. Samuel Lee.

Following the touching gathering at Dr. Lee's cemetery, the spotlight shifted to a heartwarming celebration of love and faith as Dr. Jose and M. Maria A. invited all guests for lunch. This special occasion marked their 50th wedding anniversary. Dr. Jose and M. Maria A. have long been shining examples of the house church in the UBF community. During the lunch, they shared their beautiful journey of faith and love. Dr. Henry P., M. Paul C., and P. Steve S. congratulated the Ahns with soulful and special songs, filling the air with joy and gratitude.