(USA) Washington UBF had a Christmas Worship Service on December 18th, 2022.

by P*hillip B*row

On Sunday, December 18, Washington UBF held a joint Christmas worship service with several nearby chapters. Among the chapters participating in the service both online and in person were Atlanta (online), Baltimore, Cornerstone, Delaware, George Mason and Montgomery College UBF. Pastor P*hillip B*rown gave the message on Matthew 1:18-23 titled "They Will Call Him Immanuel." He shared the incomprehensible love of God that somehow he was willing to be with us by sending his son Jesus to save us from our sin. We had several very joyful performances by Baltimore dance team, the young fathers team of Washington UBF, a beautiful unifying musical piece by Atlanta with all children participating, as well as special music by Cornerstone UBF and the Washington orchestra and chorus. The service was capped off by a drama revealing to us the true meaning of Christmas and showing the need for repentance written and directed by A*bhijit M*asih. Lunch fellowship followed for all.