(USA-VIDEO) Chicago UBF Fall Student Retreat 2022


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The 2022 Chicago UBF Student Retreat was held from Oct 21-23 under the title "Love of Christ." Springfield and I-Vine UBF also joined the retreat. 77 people joined the retreat including 41 undergraduate students, 8 graduate students, 2 high school students, 18 non students, and 8 leaders representing campuses. Brother Theo delivered the evening message of the first night on John 3:15; P. Kevin Albright delivered the main message of the second day on Luke 9:1-10 titled "Jesus Meets Zacchaeus"; and P. John Seo delivered Sunday message on 1 John 4:7-21 titled "God is Love." Also we heard beautiful life testimonies and Bible testimonies. The Holy Spirit filled us with the love of Christ during the retreat. We pray that the 49 students who attended the retreat can grow in the love of God as the disciples of Jesus.