(USA) Arise and Shine! - 2022 UBF Mid-Atlantic Region Summer Bible Conference News


From July 7-10, the Mid-Atlantic Region held our Summer Bible Conference with the theme: “Arise and Shine,” based on Isaiah 60:1-2. The conference was held at Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, VA. The number of participants was 218, including children. We were so thankful to God who reunited us with our coworkers and friends, many who had not seen each other for three years due to the pandemic. Through the messages God taught us how he was with Israel in their time of darkness. As we struggle with many personal, national, and international problems, God shined his light on us through 8 powerful messages. From the beginning of the conference, Pastor Phillip Brown gave us the prayer topic to see the glory of God. The life testimony speakers clearly revealed God working to save souls and call sinners to follow Jesus as his disciples. There were 17 chapters represented.

The following were the messages delivered:
Opening Service: "Arise and Shine" Isaiah 60:1-2 by S*tephen Gan (Lehigh)
Morning Devotion: "The Light that Shines in the Darkness" John 1:1-5 by J*onah Kim (Washington)
Main Service: "Jesus, the Light of the World" John 9:1-41 by T*unde Adebola (Hampton)
Evening Service: "More Than Conquerors" Romans 8:28-39 by D*avid Park (North Baltimore)
Morning Devotion: "From Now On, You will Catch Men" Luke 5:1-11 by J*oshua Kim (Philadelphia)
Main Service: "Who Will Go For Us?" Isaiah 6:1-13 by D*aniel Lee (Shippensburg)
Evening Service: "Be Holy, Because I am Holy" 1 Peter 1:13-25 by N*ate Turnock (Philadelphia)
Main Service: "Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant" Matthew 25:14-30 by J*ames Roh (Philadelphia)

Those who delivered life testimonies were Jonathan M. (Cornerstone), Tyler B. (Tampa), Matilda S. (Washington), Angel A. (Tampa), Taylor D. (Cornerstone), Eunice L. (Tampa), Dominic M. (N. Baltimore), Bahati (Chicago), Rebekah C. (Washington).

God encouraged us through Bible study and fellowship by 19 group Bible studies on John 9 and Isaiah 6 including testimony sharing.

On Saturday night there were World Mission Reports by J*uan Carlos (Argentina) and L*uke Lim (Uganda).

On Sunday, three members shared their testimonies confessing Jesus as their Lord, and were baptized by Pastor Phillip Brown. Those baptized were Mei M. (Washington), Angel A. (Tampa), and Dominic M. (N. Baltimore). Following the baptism ceremony, we participated in a communion service together.

We thank God for Jesus, the light of the world which drives away the darkness of sin and sorrow and failure. We thank God who works to reveal his glory in and through those who love him no matter what our circumstances. May we rise and shine and reveal the glory of Jesus through our lives, families, chapters and region.