(USA) L*oyola Ministry in Chicago Held it's First Women's Retreat for Students

Thank God who blessed our first L*oyola ministry Women’s one-day Retreat called “Drink the Living Water” based on John 4. Eight students attended: 6 girls were going into their sophomore year of college, one going into junior year and one high school girl. We can’t believe that these many college/high school girls came and spent the entire day at our L*oyola Bible house apartment on June 9, 2022 from 10am-5pm to learn about Jesus, the Living Water. We started with very small “5 loaves of bread/two fish” faith just 3 weeks before the retreat, but we met and prayed and planned and the result was abundant, overflowing! God sent very precious supporters: Bahati and Alinne (post college), who supported and served with GBS, an ice-breaker and life testimony, and made the environment very bright and lively. Msn. Jenna led spirited praise music in which we were all dancing. Dr. Helen delivered a sincere message on John 4 revealing that only Jesus the Living Water can satisfy our thirst, and gave her own life testimony of Jesus becoming a Spring of Living Water welling up to eternal life in her soul. Three girls said in the car ride home that they really liked the message.

We had a nice lunch supported by the L*oyola women missionaries/shepherdesses (who also cleaned the Bible house beforehand) and a nice walk around the campus. Then, we had a very joyful time baking and decorating cookies. The cookies had such colorful designs – the girls loved baking/decorating cookies!

Then, everyone wrote and shared testimonies on John 4. They shared how they try to drink from the water of the world but get thirsty again and they need to drink the Living Water that Jesus gives. One girl said she had studied this passage before, but this time it came to her personally. Another shared her first testimony ever with her life struggle; another shared her big stress of life with direction and career, bringing the matter to Jesus; another shared her thirst seeking human approval and love. Another girl was moved that Jesus came to find one Samaritan woman and his heart for her. We were personally moved by Jesus’ invitation for these precious girls to Jesus’ well of Living Water and Jesus giving himself to us as Messiah, saying, “I am He.” Please pray for these girls to grow in a deeper relationship with Jesus and have deeper fellowship with each other. Praise Jesus who is the Spring of Living Water welling up to eternal life!

By Mary Min & Helen Rarick