(USA) LA UBF had the JBF/HBF Summer Bible Conference Titled "You Must Be Born Again"

By D*avid Park

LA UBF had their JBF/HBF summer Bible conference from July 8-10, 2022. The title of the conference was "You Must Be Born Again" (John 3:3). Children were very excited because it was the first in-person conference in two years since the pandemic started. Through the conference, the children learned that they must not delay accepting Jesus as their Savior, must be born again in order to enter the kingdom of heaven, and must repent of their sins and believe in Jesus. Responding to the "Altar Call," 10 children came forward accepting Jesus' love for them newly. They had a joyful time presenting their video skits and having fellowship together. May God bless all the children to be powerful disciples of Jesus and good co-workers in the ministry.