(USA) B*en West and W*esley Jun Graduated from Faith Bible Seminary in June 2022

By J*oshua Hong

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." (Luke 10:2)

Congratulations to W*esley Jun and B*en West for graduating from Faith Bible Seminary (FBS). They completed their Masters of Divinity on June 2022.

FBS offers a 3 year program for those who are willing to serve local churches as pastors. FBS has focused on pastoral ministry and basic language study as well as Biblical counseling. Though FBS is affiliated with the Southern Baptist denomination, students from many different denominational backgrounds have come and been equipped for ministry. B*en West finished the program Summa Cum Laude. He enjoyed Biblical language study (Hebrew and Greek) and is a member of the new Bible study material team at UBF HQ. May God use him as a Biblical scholar. W*esley Jun is glad that he finished the program successfully. He wants to contribute to UBF world mission and ELC. May God use him preciously to support next-generation leaders.