(USA) IIT UBF Ministry News and Prayer Topics

by Joshua Hong

IIT UBF in Chiago, USA has been characterized by consistency in co-working, campus outreach, and community building. The families of Pastor Bob, M. Gideon, Dan, Michael, Orlando, and M. Daniel Yang have worked together serving IIT students. Personal care through one-to-one and campus ministry through the IIT Bible club (established in 2001) have been bearing fruit. Though students come and go, they are nurtured, encouraged, and discipled through this community. Those families have 2 to 4 children who are an important part of the ministry.

<Pastor Bob H.>

<Michael M.>

Recent Prayer topics
1. M. Daniel and Deborah Yang pray for raising women discipleship ministry in Rwanda, Africa.
2. IIT Summer ministry 2022
3. Josef (Germany) and Ruth’s (USA) new hourse church