(USA) Chicago HBF (High School Bible Fellowship) Had an In-Person Movie Night


By Y*vonne Lee

On February 18,15 students (12 boys and 3 girls, including Gloria Kim from Brazil via Zoom) attended HBF’s Movie Night, in which we watched the Christian movie, “God’s Not Dead,” ate pizza, and made Valentine’s chocolate candies. One newcomer named Daniel Castillo, a friend of Orlando and Noe Ocasio, attended. It was the first in-person gathering in 2 months since the Covid surge. HBF leader William Magardician presided, and our daughter Olivia also assisted. Missionary S*teven bought a 1-year license to show the movie at church events.

By God’s grace, next week Chicago HBF will host the annual Q&A Forum to create a safe space for high schoolers to ask questions regarding the Christian faith, walk, and worldview. Please pray for HBF leaders to listen well to catch what students are asking and have God’s wisdom to respond.