(USA) South Jersey UBF Holds on to the Lord Who Gives Them Strength Based on Philippians 4:13 For 2022

By P*eter Cho

Missionary P*eter Cho had two different online Bible studies throughout 2021. One Bible study was with a team of around 9 Canadian and US missionaries. The meeting was held biweekly through Zoom, and they studied the book of 2 Kings. Another Bible study team consisted of 9 missionaries from the US, Canada, and South America. They met once a month through Zoom to prepare Ezra inductive bible study questionnaires. Close relationships were formed, and they learned about Ezra’s exemplary spiritual leadership.

2021 flew by, and nobody knows if the pandemic will disappear. Nevertheless, the gospel must be preached. Therefore, South Jersey UBF chose Philippians 4:13 as their 2022 key verse: “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” They have to manage many things simultaneously, but they have faith in God’s wisdom and strength. May they preach the gospel without fail.