(USA) Eau Claire UBF's 2021 Ministry Report and 2022 Prayer topics

By J*oshua Hong

Dr. A*braham and S*arah Nam report Eau Claire UBF's prayer and thanksgiving topics: “We have been working with our youth group. We help them to read their Bible and have God’s word in their hearts. We gave all our youths a Bible during the fall and Bible cases for Christmas 2021. We pray day and night for them to grow in the word during this difficult time" (M*ichael and J*osephine McCandless).

J*, who is in China, needs our prayer support. After her study here, she went back to China. Yet, because of her situation, she sometimes gets depressed and calls S*arah Nam. We pray for her to open her spiritual eyes based on Galations 2:20. S*hane has been suffering. S*arah met him in the airplane. He is studying the Bible with A*be. We pray for him to be set free and healed from his brokenness. M*ichael came to study the Bible through his sister. We pray for him to meet Jesus personally and get a job. Pray for M*aureen to deliver a healthy baby girl, and that E*sther may marry by God’s grace. And we pray for R*oss and D*anna. May God provide them a house where they can raise 4 children in Christ.