(USA) El Camino UBF 2021

In 2021, El Camino studied the Matthew gospel, Nehemiah and Philippians. 7-9 messengers served Sunday messages for each book. On Feb. 14, they had a Valentine’s Day Bible conference with 7 life testimony speakers and 4 messengers. On Easter Sunday, they had the Resurrection symposium based on 1 Corinthians 15, served by 8 messengers. Missionary Paul Choi, the director of St. Louis UBF was a special guest. He sent El Camino UBF his singing video clip, titled “The Holy City” and it was great. Before that, El Camino coworkers had heard about his heart attack and surgery, and the whole church prayed for his recovery.

Then, when they saw M. P*aul Choi fully recovered and heard his powerful song, they all were full of thanks and praised God. In May, they had a graduation symposium with 3 shepherds sharing their testimony. God established two house churches during this pandemic: I*manuel and I*nez, and Brian and J*ean.