(USA) Chicago HBF had a Winter Retreat

By S*teven & Y*vonne Lee

On December 30, Chicago HBF held an online winter retreat entitled, "Rooted in Christ," based on Colossians 2:6,7. Altogether 15 students and 4 leaders participated. After morning devotional and Bible study, Steven Lee gave a message, followed by students' 2022 key verse testimonies. There was also praise music, games, and dinner delivered to students' homes. We were greatly encouraged by the clear direction to be rooted in Christ and thank God for the students' struggle to continue to grow in Christ. After the retreat, students remained online to enjoy fellowship. Thank God for creating a godly, loving community in HBF in 2021 and helping them to study the Bible well. Thank God for our leaders, parents, and Bible teachers who served our teens with love, prayers, and the word of God in 2021.