(N.A. LEADERS CONF.-1/6-8, 2022/VIDEO) 2022 North America Leaders Conference

God blessed the 2022 North America Leaders online conference (Jan.6-8) with the theme, "Jesus Chose the Twelve," emphasizing prayer and discipleship. We heard messages by P. Teddy Hembekides (NA coordinator), P. Moses Yoon (UBF General Director) based on Lk 6:6-19, D*avid Chang of Edmonton based on Lk 18:1-14, and P*hilip Wong of Montreal based on Ac 19:8-10. 254 leaders in NA registered. There were representative praise teams and prayer servants, a meaningful workshop on Discipleship in Community, 8 moving regional reports, special departmental reports, and 2 group Bible studies. P. Moses Yoon urged us to pray to love even one person with a shepherd's heart. Then God will do his own work. P. Teddy urged us to grow as a loving community and to raise a new generation of shepherds and missionaries.

<Below: Opening Message by P. Teddy Hembekides>

<Below: 2022 New Year Message by P. Moses Yoon>

<Below: Main Message II by David Chang>

<Below: Workshop - Discipleship in the Context of Community>

<Below: Closing Message by Philip Wong>

*Date: Jan 6-8, 2022
*Conference title: Jesus Chose the Twelve
*Key verse: Luke 6:12,13 - "12. One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.  13. When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles:"
*Virtual Conference via Zoom 

Program Highlight

*Opening Message: [Romans 1:5] - Teddy Hembekides
*Main Lecture I: [Luke 6:1-19] - P. Moses Yoon
*Main Lecture II: [Luke 18:1-14] - David Chang
*Closing Message: [Acts 19:8-10] - Philip Wong
*Workshop/Seminar [Based on the conference theme]

*Bible questions and message manuscripts are attached below.