(USA-VIDEO) Chicago UBF Held 2021 Christmas Worship Service on December 19, 2021



P. Kevin Albright

Thank God who enabled us to have two Christmas worship services on Dec.19 at Chicago UBF at 11 am and 2 pm, with 120 and 130 attendees in person, respectively, and as many people online as well.

<Special Song Video, "Virtual Chorus from Handel's Messiah">

<Special Drama Video, "Sunrise">

<Entire Worship Service Video>

We almost had to cancel our in-person services due to several cases of Covid among those diligently preparing, including two drama members. But through emergency prayer meetings with leaders and the medical advice of Dr. S*arah W, who works in Infectious Diseases, we prayerfully decided to have our worship services, wearing masks and canceling all sit-down meals together. Pastor Mark Vucekovich preached a spirited message twice on "Jesus, the Rising Sun" (Lk 1:57-80).

His Lincoln Park UBF members sang a beautiful 10-person chorus at 11 am.

M. Gideon Bahn and DuPage UBF sang another beautiful 17-member chorus at 2 pm.

The tech team and drama team devoted themselves to preparing a wonderful worship service.

God visited us through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. God rescued us from our enemies by his mighty power. God saved us by his tender mercy. God brought us out of our darkness through the powerful light of Jesus, the Rising Sun.


<Promo Video>

Chicago UBF will have a 2021 Christmas worship service with the theme, "Jesus, the Rising Sun" based on Luke 1:57-80. The Christmas worship service will be on Sunday, December 19, 2021, at 11 am (In-Person + Online) and 2 pm (Only In-Person). 

The messenger is Pastor Mark Vucekovich from Lincoln Park UBF in Chicago. For 2 weeks before the Christmas worship service, Chicago UBF will have Christmas dedication prayer meetings Monday through Friday. The dedication prayer meetings will start on Monday, December 6. During this time, the members will have testimony sharing and Bible studies with everyone or by fellowships.  

May God bless 2021 Christmas prayer meetings and the worship service abundantly to reveal Jesus, the rising sun in our hearts! 

*See more details: https://www.chicagoubf.org/christmas-worship-service/upcoming-2021-christmas-worship-service