(CANADA/RUSSIA) There was an Engagement Ceremony for Daniel and Liza on November 6, 2021

"What God Has Joined Together"

There was an engagement ceremony for D*aniel Kim (Vancouver III) and L*iza Zakharova (Moscow) on November 6. It was an international event, held via Zoom, at 6:00 p.m. Moscow time, 10:00 a.m. Chicago time, and 8:00 a.m. Vancouver time. Servants who participated included the parents of both the bride and groom: P*avel and M*aria Zakharova, and M. P*aul and S*arah Kim, as well as P. T*eddy Hembekides (NA Coordinator), M. L*uke Hong (NA Elder), Dr. A*ugustine Sohn (NA Elder Board President), A*rtyom Datsenko (Moscow UBF Director), P*hilip Wong (Canada Coordinator), M. H*elen Park (Victoria, Canada), L*ena Park (Moscow), A*lexey Belykh (Moscow), and P. R*on Ward (Vice Director).

There will be a wedding ceremony in Moscow on December 19 after the Sunday worship service, pending the granting of visas to Russia for those involved. As soon as possible, Liza plans to move to Vancouver as a permanent missionary from Russia to Canada.

Please pray for God's blessing upon this new house church and for them to be a blessing to Canada, Russia, and the whole world. The ceremony was recorded and can be viewed below.