(USA) Chicago UBF High School Fellowship Had a Fall Festival Outreach on October 15, 2021

18 students attended the Chicago High School Fellowship Fall Festival Outreach Program on October 15! N*oah Hong brought his two friends Jen and J*ashan, and Noe O*casio brought his friend D*enzell. H*annah Albright shared her testimony on Mark 16, G*loria Kim (from Brazil via Zoom) shared her life testimony, and HBF leader William M*agardician shared his testimony of navigating through high school spiritually depending on God’s grace.

There was a pizza party, prayer, praise music, icebreaker games, and bowling! It was heart-moving to see HBF students serve other teenagers through the Fall Outreach. Many of them invited their friends and were rejected. Seeing their hearts to serve the gospel during their high school days and in the midst of the pandemic is so beautiful and invaluable!

May God continue to grow the students gospel faith and serve God even through rejection. May they see God’s long-suffering love.

-M. S*teven & Y*vonne Lee