(RWANDA) News of an Autumn Disciples Bible Workshop from September 29 and October 3, 2021


God blessed the Bible workshop abundantly. There were 4 messages from Matthew’s Gospel. Total 45+ were attended. 

Messages and Messengers were:
1. Emmy, “I will make you fishers of men” from Matthew 4:12-25.
2. Theophile, “Jesus came to call sinners (calling of Matthew) from Matthew 9-17.
3. Dr. Felicien, “To send out Workers” from Matthew 9:35-38.
4. Felicien, “You give them something to eat” from Matthew 14:13-21.

Many of 25+ new students were touched by Jesus’ words and repented their sins snd accepted the calling of Jesus. Our main prayer is that God may raise 12 new generation students as new Bible teachers and shepherds through faithful 1:1 Bible studies. Thank you so much for your prayer supports!

<Personal Report by V*ernique from Washington UBF>

*V*ernique in Washington UBF was engaged with Seth in Rwanda on August 28, 2021. She attended the Bible workshop which was held in Rwanda from September 29 and October 3, 2021. 
*The engagement news: https://www.ubf.org/articledetail/17159

Earlier this week, Seth and I prepared for the workshop by praying earnestly for the program, and for God to provide many attendants. Seth continued to reach out to his Bible students and invited them to attend and by God’s grace Robert, Rene, Frank, David, and Venuste attended. We really praise God!

I thank God for His strength, for healing my physical body! When we arrived in Huye on Wednesday evening, we were so thankful to God for good health, and for His provision, through all the eager faces we saw at the workshop.

Seth was concerned about me staying in a room with so many other girls, and I had my reservations too initially (especially with COVID. Though most of us had rapid tests). Emmy tried to find a space at Pastor Paul’s but none was available. My other option was the hotel but I knew it would be difficult for me to attend EMP, and be fully immersed in the workshop even though the hotel is about 5 min walk. Because I was off from work last week, this week I had many things to catch up on and stayed up late working till around 2:30 am here on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday night (so I could participate in the workshop fully, I shifted my work times). We decided to move our research teams at work to all virtual till mid-January 2022 and I had many emails and correspondence with my director on how to move forward.

I also wanted to have fellowship with the other sisters, pray with them, and build relationships so I thank God! On Wednesday night, we had 5 girls including myself, on Thursday night 8 girls, on Friday night, 9 girls and on Saturday night, 10 girls! God is so amazing. I was really praying for other women coworkers to join us and He provided! Though the room was crowded, it was a good time of fellowship! It’s amazing how the girls share everything here. (Not only the girls, boys too). They share shoes, clothes, even water cups are shared so freely! I was a little skeptical at first especially with COVID but I really thank God for this open spirit they have with one another. Though I still struggled to adapt fully to that aspect (I wanted my own water cup, no sharing shoes, etc) it was great to be a part of that energy and spirit. The sisters in Christ who attended the workshop are Sandrine, Providence, Kevin (girl), Costasie, Adeline, Eredie, Angel, Penina, and Ange.

The messages, GBS, and the entire program has been great! Seth led GBS on Thursday, he is such a patient teacher! I thank God for Him! It’s also clear how he loves his Bible students so much. I praise God for meeting them in person too. I led GBS on Friday and shared my life testimony last night. Both Seth and I were prayer servants on several occasions.

The messages were all very powerful. The attendants were all happy to be here! God worked in the hearts of the attendants. They shared more in-depth testimonies yesterday and Friday compared to Thursday. Last night’s praise and worship were so filled with joy and thankfulness! We sang with loud voices, danced, prayed, and praised God with our whole hearts!

Emmy has flu, yet, he worked very hard to create a welcoming environment for everyone! The Huye Bible students also support him so much. They really love him! One of his Bible students Providence, though a year 1 student, serves everyone so joyfully. (Apparently, the Huye students came by and helped Emmy prepare the rooms, etc.). E*ngineer Felecien also arrived two days before the workshop began to help plan with Emmy. Another one of Emmy’s Bible students, Kevin (boy) shared an honest testimony today. Kevin also stepped up and led our group testimony sharing times. It was great to witness his spiritual growth. Theophile encouraged everyone to write and share personal testimonies as love letters to God. He also shared his and Ange’s marriage testimony today. Dr. Felecien set up a WhatsApp chat with all attendees to share what was happening. Young Felecien encouraged all Kigali coworkers to attend, and I saw him having fellowship with many people and building relationships with them. Eredie gave a powerful first-time message, though she was nervous, she said all nervousness left when she started to deliver the message, praise God! P. Paul shared a special lecture on the work of the Holy Spirit last night.

God worked powerfully in this Bible house and He is still working. Because we ended late today and the far distances people have to travel, some including us (~17 including Emmy) with travel tomorrow Lord willing. I feel exhausted but thankful. I have cold/flu symptoms again with a slight cough, and so does Seth but we pray for healthy bodies and pray once we restfully, that God may restore our health completely. After continuing to pray about the decision to extend my stay, I checked into changing my flights and the return date with no change fee is October 25th (same flights and times as my original return flights).

We will visit his mom in Uganda in the coming week, and are continuing to pray. We plan to continue to serve the ministry in Kigali, continue Bible studies, and do campus fishing in Nyagatare as we serve and support Seth’s father there. It is really God’s grace and blessing to grant me an opportunity to co-work with Seth so closely here to serve the ministry and even to help his father. We are praying for one of Seth’s sheep to be raised up to serve with Kigali coworkers when he moves to the US Lord willing.

This has been a blessed time although challenging at times and I thank God for an opportunity to extend it. Thanks!