(USA) Chicago NEIU (Northeastern University) Fellowship Had a Summer Workshop for 3 Days

Chicago NEIU (Northeastern University) fellowship had a summer workshop for 3 days. On July 30, they held a book symposium on “Radical” by David Platt. On July 31, an evangelism and 1:1 Bible study workshop was presented by M*att Groters, K*ristin Weed, R*obert Moreno, J*onathan & F*rida Reese, and D*aniel Kim.

Below is a report written by J*onathan Reese: 

First of all, I thank and praise God who blessed the NEIU Summer Workshop from beginning to end in every possible way. Starting from the presentation on the book “Radical,” all the presenters gave very thorough and detailed accounts on the radical way that we should follow Jesus, testify boldly to Jesus’ grace in our lives, and how to immerse ourselves more fully in a life that is centered on Jesus’ grace and mercy through his death on the cross. It was great to see Theolinda and Jason Havey participate, and enthusiastically share what they learned from the book. We also heard from Msn Daniel Kim provide his valuable insights as well. In addition, it was amazing to hear how the book had also impacted Nick Steen as well. Lastly, Pastor John Seo presented a conclusion on the book, which tied together the importance of living for Jesus based on Matthew 288:18-20, the World Mission Command. In all, the book review was a blessing for all of us!

On the Saturday program, we learned about the Gospel and Evangelism from Matt Groters. His presentation was full of helpful methods on how to speak to people about Jesus, and how to encourage them to come to Bible study in order to get to know the love of God through Jesus Christ. It is clear that Matt Groters has a lot of zeal for the work of God, and that was the biggest part of his presentation.

Next was Kristin Weed, who presented on Christian Apologetics. She successfully highlighted important things to keep in mind when we are challenged to speak to unbelievers about our faith, and how to guide the conversation back to the cross of Jesus. Kristin’s bright and gracious influence among us has been a huge blessing, and her presentation was very insightful and extremely helpful on a practical level.

The first part of the Saturday concluded with Robert Moreno presenting on the Generation Gap that is present in today’s world. Throughout his presentation, he used practical examples of how difficult it can be to witness Jesus to a generation that finds different ways to turn away from the Gospel in general. His presentation highlighted the need for us to really “reach out” with a gentle shepherd’s heart to others, and listen more than we speak at every opportunity.

Then came the evening portion of the workshop, that was all about the importance of 1 to 1 Bible Study. As the opening presenter, I highlighted the goal of 1 to 1 Bible study being very similar to that of John 5:24, in bringing others from death to life as we help them believe in Jesus. Because I spoke very little about me for a change and earnestly struggled to highlight what became the doorway for me meeting Jesus personally; I believe that God blessed the presentation.

Frida then followed with more on the impact that 1 to 1 Bible study has had on her life. She included several very personal stories about her first Bible teacher that were so moving, and her presentation was very gracious. The program concluded with Msn. Daniel Kim presenting on the same topic with a bit more focus on the method of doing 1 to 1 effectively. As always, Msn Daniel brought a very real sincerity and easy-apply method to his presentation. Hearing part of his life testimony included was also very interesting, and makes him that much more of a great witness of the changing power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

In short, we all believe that God blessed the NEIU summer workshop abundantly, in that we were all refreshed and rejuvenated to participate wholeheartedly in the work of God and bearing fruit for Jesus. May God bless all of us to newly pioneer our campuses with the grace of Jesus through 1 to 1 Bible study, powered by the Holy Spirit, in obedience to Matthew 28: 18-20! AMEN!