(USA/VIDEO) High School Seniors (Chicago UBF) had a Graduation Celebration on June 12, 2021

By Y*vonne Lee

On June 12, Chicago HBF held their annual senior night with an attendance of 40 members, including parents and Bible teachers. Seven graduating seniors shared their testimonies of God's work in their lives during high school and prayer topics for college. The graduating seniors are William Magardecian, Gracie Koh, Daniel Miranda, Grace Min, Jonathan Choi, Juhui Jin, and Caleb Kim. Through their reflections, we learned how much God worked through the Holy Spirit to make an environment for their spiritual growth in HBF, as well through their parents' and Bible teachers' prayer and care. A spirit of community fostered in HBF, and devotional groups also helped them to make meaningful friendships and feel that HBF was their home. Throughout the pandemic, Chicago HBF met virtually each week, then held an in-person Easter conference, and finally transitioned to in-person HBF meetings.