(USA) Chicago HBF Held a Farewell Ceremony of the Coordinator, Francis and Dr. Theresa on June 18, 2021

High School Fellowship (Chicago HBF)

F*rancis and Dr. T*heresa have been serving HBF as teachers and coordinators for ten years. This summer. Francis, Theresa, and their one-year-old daughter Adeline will move to Hyde Park, as Dr. Theresa was accepted to a medical residency at Jackson Park Hospital on Chicago's South Side. At the same time, Francis passed his qualifying exams for his Ph.D. studies at UIC, though they were very busy serving HBF's Easter conference. 

M. S*teven Lee, who has served HBF for 5 years as a leader, will become the new HBF coordinator. His wife, Y*vonne, and J*ohn Lee, who are school teachers, will also serve as HBF leaders. Please pray for the HBF summer conference and for HBF members to study the Bible well and make a spiritual, loving community.