(USA) What is Worship? - Chicago UBF hosted a Worship Workshop on May 15th, 2021

C*hristian Misurac, the program coordinator, hosted the meeting and M. D*aniel Park gave a presentation right after Pastor Ron and Elder R*ichard Choi’s prayer. In breakout sessions, we discussed the topics in-depth. Around 18 people attended including worship servants. The purpose was to discuss and implement a biblical and holistic understanding of what it means to worship. We discussed two important aspects of worship

1. Life as worship 2. Gatherings as worship

May God help us to live our whole lives righteously and respond to Him in worship throughout our weeks and also during our gatherings.

Please watch the video below for a powerful lecture on worshipping God:

<PART 1: Life as Worship>

<​​​​PART II: Gatherings as Worship>