(USA) Dr. John Jun's 80th Birthday Celebration on April 25, 2021 in Chicago

Chicago senior missionaries and elders voluntarily gathered together on April 25th at Arirang Garden. This was to celebrate honorary General Director Dr. John Jun's 80th birthday and Dr. J*ames Kim's retirement. Dr. John's actual 80th birthday is June 27, 2021, but they celebrated earlier because he is leaving for Korea on May 5.

As we all know Dr. John Jun was Dr. Samuel Lee's first bible student. He devoted his whole life to serve God and God's flock. The meeting was warm and thankful especially for his 60 years of service in the UBF ministry.

After united happy birthday song Dr. Joseph Chung, Dr. John Jun's first bible student and his friend for 61 years blessed with a representative prayer. Elder J*im Rack and Missionary D*aniel Shim gave words of thankfulness and memory with him.

Dr. J*ames Kim who served North America Board of Elders as a chair for a long time retired recently from his medical business. He Re-Tired for his next chapter of life as God's servant to become healthy, serving behind the curtain and Spanish learning servant for Latin America mission. Missionary Daniel Yang, the vice-chair more than 10 years with him gave a prayer of blessing.

<Celebrated Dr. J*ames Kim's retirement from his medical business>

Missionary L*uke Moon, another bible student of Dr. John presided over the meeting and played music, 'Sunrise, sunset'. Pastor Ron closed the meeting with a prayer.