(USA) Jesus Has Risen! - Chicago UBF Easter Celebration 2021

A*linne Topia (Chicago UBF)

We had a gracious and powerful 2021 Easter celebration by ministries in Chicago UBF from April 2 to 4, 2021. 

True Vine: Presented a video of some of the highlights of the weekend which included the Passover Sedar lead by P.  R*on Ward, Gethsemane Prayer Time lead by J*oseph Park, Powerful bible studies on the trial of Jesus, led by M*ike Diaz and the  haverim style bible study on the crucifixion led by B*ahati K*imondo. D*ylan Burke delivered a message on the crucifixion and started off our testimony sharing. We had room for fellowship throughout the weekend at the park and with a bonfire. Sunday morning devotion was at the beach for sunrise. Pastor J*ohn Seo gave a powerful message on Easter Sunday to close out our week!

Northwestern/IIT/West Loop: Praise God for the participation of all servants and for M. Sarah Barry who participated in a special song playing the harmonica. 

Loyola: 3 student messengers were raised. Through messages, bible studies, and testimony sharing, they studied that Jesus was forsaken by God in our place and are reconciled to God and given a new life! Messengers: V*ictor R*akotondranoro (Mark 14:53-72); Helen Rarick (Mark 15); R*ebekah Jeong (Mark 16:1 -8); J*ustin Jimenez (Mark 16:9-20). May God continue to raise disciples at Loyola!

UIC: The Power of Jesus’ Death and Resurrection” had these messengers: E*rick Lopez,  B*rooke Budzelini, J*oseph Park, D*aniel Park , L*eibins Rivas, M*atthew Misurac and R*afael Sanchez. The weekend was full of Jesus and also included 6 UIC student testimonies, art presentation by X* avion, a special skit by C*hatelaine Dunford, and participation of the children in skits and readings! Praise God for their opportunity to study the Power of Jesus' death and resurrection.

HBF (High School Ministry): We got a snippet of the message that D*aniel Miranda shared during the conference. Praise God for raising up messengers that declare the goodness of God! 

Oakton: The presentation highlighted group bible studies, testimony sharing, praise and worship, Sunday worship service, and guests that joined the conference! L*ydia Cruz got to share a few words of gratitude for the weekend where they focused on Jesus' sacrifice for our sins! 

CBF Leaders Conference (Children's Ministry): God blessed their Easter celebration! There were powerful testimonies sharing among the leaders and adult bible students. They presented a video with pictures throughout the conference of all activities!

NEIU & Family Fellowship: Presented highlights with pictures of praise & worship, messengers, presider's life testimonies, group bible studies, skits, bible memorization, and special songs!

Thank God for all the servants of God across our campuses that planned, prepared, and prayed behind the scenes to make the Easter retreats possible!