(USA/UPDATE-5/4) Missionary Grace Oh (HeeJae), who Served in Kwanak 5, CSUN, Korea and San Diego UBF, was called to the Lord on March 25th, 2021



<A Brief Report of the Homecoming Ceremony>

The homecoming ceremony of M. Grace HeeJae Oh was held at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills, LA on April 20 with more than 100 family members and guests. Pastor David Oh (Grace Oh's brother-in-law) delivered the message based on John 11:24,25. M. P*aul Choi and M*ary Choi in St. L*ouis UBF shared her biography and condolence remarks. We appreciate LA UBF which supported all audio systems, broadcasting online by zoom for the UBF families and viewers around the world. 

<Homecoming Ceremony Message>

Missionary Grace Oh was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer six years ago. When she visited the hospital six years ago, cancer had spread from top to bottom and had metastasized to her brain and liver. Her doctor said that she could live at most 6 months to one year. His longest surviving patient had lived for 3 years. If you want to read the full message, please click on the link below. 

<A brief Record of M. Grace Oh>

Msn. Grace HeeJae Oh served SunggyunKwan Uni. in Chongro UBF in Seoul, Korea from 1984-1990. Under her shepherding during this time, many overseas missionaries (J*oseph Oh in New Zealand, A*ndrew Chung in Brunei, R*uth Choi in C-Nation, A*bigail Song in the USA) were sent out and Bible teachers (Y*ounggil Kim, H*ajin Sung, D*aegyun Nah) were raised who have been serving UBF ministries in Korea. 

She married Msn. Peter Oh in 1990 and sent to the US to join CSUN UBF led by M. Isaiah and Humble Yoo. Her family was sent to pioneer San Diego UBF in 1993. They served there until 2001. 

After that, they joined HCC church ministry (Highland Cornerstone Church), where Pastor David Oh (Peter Oh’s young brother) started. She served Pasadena City Community College and the church at the same time. After she was diagnosed with cancer, she stopped the public ministry for medical treatment. Instead, she served the Lord by opening a personal blog to share the gospel while she was struggling with her cancer. She was called to the Lord on March 25, 2021.

<Video in Korean>

Missionary Grace Oh (HeeJae), who served in Kwanak 5, CSUN,  and San Diego UBF, was called to the Lord on March 25th, 2021.
Her homecoming ceremony will be held on April 20th, Tuesday 8:30 am (PDT, USA) at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills, LA. 
(11:30am EDT,  April 21st 12:30am Korea)

*Here's the zoom link for the ceremony. - http://j.mp/graceohhomecoming