(USA) The Farewell Ceremony for J*im Rarick's Father, H*arold Rarick, was Held on February 15, 2021

Mr. H*arold Rarick, the father of J*im Rarick (Chicago UBF), passed away at the age of 89. The farewell ceremony took place on February 15th at Crossway Community Church where Mr. H*arold devoted his life. His wife went to be with the Lord six years ago. Mr. H*arold's life of faith and his love and devotion to God and his family was truly a blessing. Mr. H*arold Rarick was honored by the military at the farewell ceremony as he served in the USA army, including in South Korea. He supported the UBF ministry in various ways. Due to the pandemic, the service was also broadcasted live: https://vimeo.com/510418358/8bcc497048

For more detailed information, please visit https://www.chicagoubf.org/chicago-ubf/elder-jim-raricks-father-passed-away