(USA/Obituary/Update) Homecoming Ceremony of M. Pauline Lipsey in DC was Held on January 28, 2021


The online homecoming service for M. Pauline Lipsey was held on January 28th with coworkers from Korea, the Netherlands, Canada, Chicago, and many UBF chapters from the USA. Pastor P*hilipBrown spoke on John 14:6 and 2 Timothy 4:6-8. Many shared that she was a blessing to everyone around her.


M. Pauline Lipsey's Homecoming Ceremony is hosted by Washington UBF, USA 
*Time: January 28, 2021, 07:00 p.m. (Eastern Time, US and Canada)

A viewing will be held from 5 p.m.-7 p.m. on January 28th with the homecoming service following from 7 pm-9 pm (Eastern Time, US, and Canada). The funeral service will be presented via zoom and youtube live simultaneously. 

<Scheduled Youtube Live Stream below>


or you can visit directly to Youtube Live Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evTbW0gTPvU&feature=youtu.be


By C*aleb Kim (Chongro-I, Korea)

A few hours ago, I heard that M. Pauline in DC, USA finished her race of faith for 50 years of her life due to her cancer struggle and was peacefully held in the arms of the Lord. (2 Tim 4:7-8)  I pray for the heavenly comfort to be given to all his family members especially for her husband, Dan, her son Isaac, and her mother who lives in Jeonbuk, Korea. We express our sincere condolences for her departure. May God grant all family members the resurrection faith through her beautiful life of faith and her departure to the eternal home. 


<Right after 2018 International Summer Bible Conference on August>