(NIGERIA) 2020 Yabatech Annual Mission Report & New Bible House


By Duk* (Nigeria)

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I write with great joy as I thank God for his grace and faithfulness over our lives and the ministry. We also want to use this medium to thank our leaders, Pastor Moses Yoon and Moses Kim, for their prayers and financial support for the whole UBF community.

For 12 years, the Yabatech chapter Bible center was located on 54 Afolabi Brown Street before it was demolished. The dirty water was a constant issue that affected the Bible Center premises, making it difficult for us and our new Bible students. Presently, God has blessed us with a new Bible house on 1 Hussey street, directly opposite Yabatech, with support from the Head Quarters and from Korea. It is a 3 minutes’ walk to Yabatech. As for now, the place serves as a Bible house and a Sunday worship center until we can find a sizeable center. Currently, the Bible house can hold only 30 people.

At the moment, we want to focus on reaching new Bible students since our ministry mainly consists of older Brethren. 

Please pray that the Bible house may be a place where Yabatech students can learn God’s word and be raised as Jesus' disciples!

*Attached below is the annual report.