(NORTH AMERICA/UPDATE) 2021 USA/CANADA Leader's Conference was Held from January 7-9, 2021

North America (USA/CANADA) Leader's Conference was held via zoom from January 7 to 9. Around 250 people attended from over 100 North American UBF chapters.

Here are some of the program highlights below;

1st DAY 

- M. Sarah Barry’s prayer of blessing.
- North America Coordinator Teddy Hembekides' keynote message 
- UBF General Director Moses Yoon’s New Year message (Colossians 3:1-17)

2nd DAY:

- Group Bible study-I 
- J*oshua Jeon's message: “The supremacy of Christ Jesus“ (Colossians 1:15-20) 

3rd DAY:

- Group Bible Study-II
- Ben West: ”The Fullness of Christ.” (Colossians 2:6-15)

- Forum ("What are the biggest challenges for campus mission.")
- HQ Department Reports (5 Committees) 
- Regional Mission Reports (Canada / Mid-Atlantic / Northeast  / Great Lakes  / Missouri Valley / Midwest / South-Central / West Coast / Pacific Northwest) from over 110 chapters (23 Canada, 90 USA) prepared by regional coordinators
- Closing remarks of P. Teddy Hemebekides and general director Moses Yoon

Prayer topics: 

1. In the year 2021, let the word of Christ dwell richly in our hearts
2. In this time of crisis, strengthen us as shepherds of God’s flock in NA
3. Continue to build us up as a loving spiritual community
4. Raise disciples of Jesus from all campuses in NA through one-to-one Bible study 
5. Send missionaries to all the world
6. Let’s ask God to help us really love this country and pray for its’ people’s healing, physically, mentally, and spiritually

*See more detailed information about the program and Bible study questions to download on the event page: https://www.ubf.org/eventdetail/16911

UBF North America