(USA) Chicago UBF High School Youth Christmas Worship Service 2020


M. S*teven Lee (HBF Youth Ministry)

Merry Christmas!

I'm so happy because we had a very wonderful HBF Christmas Worship Service online today (Dec. 13) with 27 attendants.

F*rancis Choi (HBF coordinator) delivered a beautiful message "Immanuel, God with us!" based on Mt.1:28. He revealed who Jesus is and the meaning of Immanuel God with us through his thoughtful and strong testimony.


G*race M. (senior), G*race K. (senior), and H*annah A. (freshman) served praise and worship. D*aniel M. (sophomore) volunteered reading the passage. J*oshua J. (sophomore), and E*sther K. (sophomore) prayed as high priests for the world mission, campus ministry, healing, and the worship service. Freshmen students (H*annah A., A*drew A., N*ehemia K., S*muel S., S*amantha) served a special offering song. Grace K. (senior) wrote the skit and upperclassmen students played, recorded, and edited it. It was funny and everyone enjoyed it. The skit demonstrated how we are lonely, fearful, and lazy, but Immanuel Jesus is with us and helps us overcome our weaknesses.

After the skit, students offered their money to God, and we closed the worship service by prayer. J*ohn L. presided and gave prayer topics and announcementsMy wife Y*vonne prayed for the offering, and I gave the benediction. Afterward, we served the students lunch through a delivery service organized by T*heresa C.

All students participated in the program and they did an outstanding job. I believe that God was pleased very much, and we all were full of joy! 

May God give you good health and a bright spirit all the time. And May God give you joy and peace this Christmas, too!