(USA/Update) The News of the New Pioneering Ministry of Delaware UBF 2020


By M. J*acobLee in Washington 

You can download M. J*oshuaKim's recent (Mark 13) Sunday message below. 

"Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes..."

Greetings in Christ Jesus our Lord!

As you know, God sent M. J*oshua and R*uthKim to pioneer University of Delaware Newark, Delaware. Under the Covid-19 pandemic, it was not easy to pioneer a new campus. But M. Joshua obeyed God's calling to enlarge the place. He packed everything and said tearful goodbyes to College Park coworkers and went to UD.

Many good things happened since he obeyed God's command to preach the gospel in season and out of season. M. Joshua is pioneering the UD Blue Hens where the president-elect 46th President of the USA Joe Biden graduated. God granted him the first sheep G*eff to have 1 to 1 Bible studies. M. Joshua's number priority is to save souls by preaching the gospel of Jesus.

He began to deliver Mark's gospel messages faithfully since he arrived in Newark Delaware. He finished his first draft by Friday to receive the message training. Thanks for your prayer support for Delaware UBF.

Please pray for UD ministry

1. Deliver Mark's gospel message every Sunday with heart and soul.
2. Pioneer University of Delaware with mission mind
3. Faithful 1 to 1 studies with G*eff
4. House Church Worship Service with M. Ruth, John, Jacob, and Gloria
5. Tia Quyang to overcome Grad school study and Yurlady to grow in faith
6. Working together with Washington UBF and Philadelphia UBF and other Mid-Atlantic region chapters

*Related News (Washington UBF Sent M. J*oshua & R*uth out to Pioneer Delaware University): https://www.ubf.org/articledetail/16792/Delaware


By J*oshuaKim

We had our first Sunday worship service in my house on Aug 23 with Mark's gospel with my wife, Ruth, my oldest son, Ruth's Bible student, and me through Zoom. We will continue to pray and go out fishing to find one Bible student at the University of Delaware though there are not many students on campus. From Chicago, North America coordinator, P. T*eddyHemekides visited us two weeks ago; we had lunch and prayed together.