(USA-Update) New Minneapolis UBF Chapter II Held their First Worship Service on September 13, 2020


By director M. J*acobPark

We had our first virtual Sunday worship service on September 13 with my message based on Jeremiah 33, "God's Great and Unsearchable Things." We have studied Luke’s gospel during the Fall semester.

Please pray for us to build up a loving community of Christ Jesus, to deeply know God's heart through sincere Bible studies, and to have one Bible student each. May God fill us with the Holy Spirit and empower us to follow after Jesus.

<Starting members of 2 families - Left: Park's family / Right: Chuck's family>

Dr. S*pencerLuebben

Since 2011, the Minneapolis chapter has prayed to raise up Dr. Spencer and Charles as independent chapter leaders. By God’s grace, the second chapter started on September 7, having its first Sunday worship service on September 13.

The long-term prayer topics of Minneapolis I & II chapters are
(1) to raise 10 fellowships, (2) to reach out to 10 campuses, and (3) to send out missionaries to 20 counties (10/10/20 Vision).

Minneapolis Chapter I

Director: Dr. S*pencerLuebben, 16 members (6 families and Bible students)

Minneapolis Chapter II

Director: Dr. J*acobPark (for 3 years until Charles Voght is prepared to take over directorship) 10 members (3 families and Bible students)

<Minneapolis Members before the new chapter>