(USA/Update) Washington UBF Sent M. Joshua & Ruth out to Pioneer Delaware University

On August 16th, Washinton UBF had a missionary sending ceremony to pioneer Delaware University. Missionary Joshua and R*uthKim's family has served Washington ministry for the last 20 years. M. Ruth has served as our treasurer for almost 20 years sacrificially. M. Joshua has proved himself as an influential man of God and a disciple maker. May God continue to bless their new pioneering ministry! 

*Prayer topics:

  • Continue to learn Jesus’ shepherd heart through pioneering the University of Delaware
  • Learn Delaware’s fighting blue hen spirit
  • Raise up disciples of Jesus
  • My family (Ruth, John, Jacob, Gloria) to adjust well to a new life in Newark
  • SWS message, fishing, 1:1
  • My new IT job

    *See the testimony of the new chapter pioneering below

<2020 Delaware UBF Pioneering Testimony>

Joshua 14:12, “Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day. You yourself heard then that the Anakites were there and their cities were large and fortified, but, the Lord helping me, I will drive them out just as he said”

Hi, for those who do not know me, my name is Joshua Kim. Some of you might wonder why Ruth and I are going to pioneer Delaware? Is there any issue in Washington UBF? Absolutely not. Honestly, I still want to stay here. 20 years ago, at a bible conference, people prayed for east coast 206 campus pioneering work. At the conference, M. Jacob called my name and asked people to pray for me to pioneer Delaware. At that moment, I felt God called me and he had a different plan for me.

So, I said to myself, “sometime later if this really comes from God, in God’s time, I will go.” 

As you know, since I came to America, as everybody does, I suffered a lot in studying computer science at Maryland, then job problems, and then visa problems. But God was with me. He helped me to finish my study, get a job, and green card, and disciple-making. 

7 years ago, when I became a permanent resident in the US, I was so thankful that I wanted to keep my promise to God. So I began to apply for jobs in Delaware secretly. However, at the same time, I was so scared of pioneering alone. When all job applications failed, I thanked God that I could stay here more and work together with precious Washington UBF coworkers. 

Last year, while we studied the book of Genesis, almost every Sunday I was convicted by message. It seemed God was speaking to me again. Also, Isaiah 54:2 says “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide,” I realized God wanted Washington UBF to enlarge our mission fields and that verse reminded me of God’s calling. However, this time, it was much harder to leave Washington UBF. God blessed me to have three children, a nice house close to the center, a university job paying for my children’s tuition and almost free lunch at dining services, and True Vine fellowship, of course, tennis. in spite of this, last fall, I began to start looking for a job in Delaware. I kept looking for at least a similar senior position or manager position but somehow I could not get a job offer. So, I told God, “God, I tried but you did not open a door for me, I will take this as a sign that you did not want me to pioneer”. And then, a couple of weeks later, something happened. While I was praying at 5:30 am meeting, deep in my heart, I began to think “hold on, why am I going to Delaware? What am I following? Money or ministry? The answer was obvious”. So I thought myself, “if I seek for only manager or senior position, it might take another 10 years.” “Why do not I find any job first and then later if God’s willing, I can find a better position. On that day, I applied for one IT entry-level and unfortunately, they offered me the job. I must be crazy, and honestly, in terms of materials, I am not sure if I am doing the right thing. Everybody wants more money in the workplace. But thank God for helping me to give up some money for the first time in my life for God’s name's sake. As my salary is far less now, I have to depend on God about the daily bread.

Joshua 14:12 “Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day. You yourself heard then that the Anakites were there and their cities were large and fortified, but, the Lord helping me, I will drive them out just as he said” When Caleb said this, he was 85 years old. Even in such an old age, he remembered what God promised him 45 years ago. He could enjoy comfortable life. But he wanted to pioneer the hill country, Hebron. I am in the early 50s. It is not a young age to start a new life. However, as Caleb conquered Hebron, I pray God may strengthen me to raise up disciples of Jesus in Delaware.

Through the coronavirus situation, my first son John and I have been doing the daily bread for the last couple of months. As I have seen God’s word speaking to his heart, God comforted me and assured me that God will take care of him while he leaves alone in College Park. Also, I did not like but was willing to lose tuition remission benefits for John as I quit my job but God helped us to find a way to support him. I also worried a lot about Jacob and Gloria but they can still join CBF through zoom. We prayed for a UBF family may come to my house and one UBF family moved in. Also, I could see True Vine fellowship getting strong in the word of God. I was able to buy one house with 2 car garage, even with low mortgage interest. I thank God for his caring for my family. I also thank M. Jacob and Esther, M. Elijah and Grace, M. Luke and Rebecca, M. James and Maria, P. Philip and Sarah, S. Fredrick and Esther, and all Washington UBF coworkers who bear my shortcomings and weaknesses. I won’t forget your love and your prayers for my family.