(CANADA/Upcoming Event) One Day Online Canadian Leaders' Conference on August 16, 2020


Dear partners in the gospel,

I am writing this email to you, but I was not sure who to send it to actually.

I wanted to share with you some news. On August 16th, there will be a Canadian Staff/Leaders' Conference. It will be an online conference. (We are calling it a conference, but practically is it just a one-day event.) 

The purpose of this event is to strengthen our Canadian leaders by encouraging, equipping, and giving vision to serve campus ministry in light of the challenges because of the coronavirus pandemic.

We will hear presentations from a couple of ministries to learn about serving campus ministry online. We will also hear from a guest speaker to help us to see this great new opportunity and be revived for what the Lord is doing for us.

The conference program will include 3 presentations.

1. Encouragement: The fruit of online ministry, presented by Charles Kim (Ryerson UBF)

2. Equipping: The tools for online ministry, presented by St. George UBF

3. Vision: Vision of a revival from a crisis, by guest speaker Dr. Ezra Cho (Washington UBF, USA)

We pray for this conference with John 4:35:

"I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” John 4:35 

Please pray for God’s inspiration for us to see the harvest field in a whole new way with inspiration and wisdom and creativity to serve it. 

Yours in Jesus,

Canada UBF Coordinator