(USA) 2nd-gen H*annaKang in Chicago Joined Toledo Ministry in Ohio

Go and Make Disciples of All Nations

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 


Hello, my name is H*annaKang. I have been part of Chicago UBF since 2005 when my family came to United States as missionaries. When I first came to Chicago, I spoke very little English and had a long way to go in terms of learning new culture and adjustment. But by God's grace, he granted me wonderful spiritual family and mentors at Chicago CBF, HBF and UBF community who helped me to adjust well, grow spiritually, and receive the gospel and find my place to also serve God and others with my given talents including music, administrative skills and shepherding.

During my undergraduate and graduate years at UIC, God granted me opportunity to be part of campus ministry at UIC and engage in evangelism, shepherding and discipleship for college students along with spiritual coworkers in Christ. I thank God for wonderful mentors Missionary H*elenJung, L*ittleSarah Kim, G*racePark, L*ydiaShin and K*ristinWeed who have mentored me through Bible studies and sharing their lives regularly to support my spiritual growth and vision to be disciple-maker. I also thank God for Missionary David and Dr. S*arahWon who have prayed and supported young leaders’ spiritual growth at UIC and for Pastor Ron, Pastor Kevin and our wonderful messengers at Chicago UBF who faithfully delivered God's words to us.

Last year in November, God established my house church with D*avidKang from Toledo UBF and led me to move to Ohio and serve the body of Christ at Toledo UBF community.

As I prepare to go in obedience to the great commission and serve campus ministry in University of Toledo with David, I would like to share several prayer topics:

Please pray for me to:

1.Be faithful in my daily devotion in the mornings and personal study of God’s word
2. Adjust to new life in Toledo, and support David’s work and studies well
3. Love and serve the new community in Toledo UBF
4. Share the gospel faithfully to college students each week through personal evangelism as I pray for one student to disciple.