(CANADA) Hamilton UBF Held a Leadership Succession Ceremony on July 11, 2020


<M. M. James and J*aneSeo with children>

M. James and J*aneSeo succeeded M. Isaac and R*ebekahChoi's leadership for the next 4 years. Thank God for all coworkers, who are now willing to work together with M. James as they did with M. Isaac. Many Canadian and US co-workers joined this celebration through Google Meet. The main program included: M. Paul Chang’s message, Thanksgiving of I*saacChoi, 2 special music performances, Several Canadian directors’ prayer of blessings, and words of encouragement by P*hilipWong (Canadian coordinator) and T*eddyHembekides (NA coordinator).

Here are the new director M. J*amesSeo's prayer topics:

1. Each person becomes a Spirit-filled Christian to live as Jesus’ witness (Ac 1:8)
2. To form a loving community to build up one another
3. A praying community to raise Jesus’ disciples and serve world mission    

<M. Isaac and R*ebekahChoi>