(USA) Chicago UBF Had the 1st Online Kids Vacation Bible School (1st to 8th Graders)

Title: Rocky Rail Way (Jesus' Power Pulls Us Through)
Date: 6/29-7/3. 2020 Monday to Friday
Hour: 9 am to 12 pm (Group Bible studies, activities, fun games and much more)
Attendees: 1st to 8th graders via zoom

God blessed the Children's Bible Fellowship (CBF)'s 1st Online Vacation Bible School via zoom from 6/29-7/3, 2020, Monday to Friday. There were messages delivered by 8th graders, bible studies, fun activities and much more. From 1st-8th graders, many attended everyday faithfully. Some of them also joined from other states like David and Alice in Austin, Texas. Also, Daisy who attended the Bible school for the first time began to believe in God and will continue to attend CBF. Praise God! 67 children attended, 8th graders gave thoughtful well-prepared messages Nehemiah, Hannah, Jane (meaningful to mention that Jane drew all the amazing artwork for her slides by hand), Sammy, and Andrew. Teachers John, Lina, Sarah, Samuel, led Bible studies and interactive Bible Adventures each day, and prepared with thorough Bible study and testimony writing and really prayed for and gave their heart for our kids. We mainly studied the book of Acts and the Gospel, learning about Jesus' power helps us do hard things, have hope in the storms, be bold witnesses, live forever, be good friends.