(Chicago/Update-6/14/2020/Video) Dr. H*elenRarick’s Mother, F*riedaMaheras in Chicago Passed into Eternal Glory with Christ


Homecoming Ceremony of F*riedaMaheras (Dr. H*elenRarick’s mother in Chicago)

By Dr. H_elenRarick

Thank God for the Homecoming Ceremony for Frieda Maheras on June 6, 2020. Via FB livestream many family members/friends were blessed with the beautiful message by Pastor Ron Ward on “I am the Resurrection and the Life”; testimonies by Helen, Jim, Hannah and Samuel Rarick; and a picture slideshow. We could hear how she supported our UBF ministry and her sacrificial love for others. Samuel (grandson) shared the resurrection hope we had: “When I visited her in the hospital, I couldn’t bear to see her in that state. I saw the great power that death can have over us. Then, I remembered Jesus’ words, “That whoever believes in me will live even though he dies.” And that we shall have eternal life.  I honestly believe that my grandmother was a believer in Jesus Christ. And, therefore, she is in a room prepared for her by Jesus in heaven…this hope means that this life is not the end. When I was by her bedside, I did not feel that good-bye was the appropriate term to use. To me, good-bye has a sense of finality, which typically means that we will not see each other again. Instead, I prefer to use, and I said to her, “Auf Wiedersehen”, which means, “Until we will meet again.” This is good-bye for now, Grandma Frieda, but we will meet each other again one day in God’s house, where he has prepared a room for the both of us. I can’t wait to laugh, run, and catch up with you after all the years. I love you so much, and until we meet again in God’s kingdom, “Auf Wiedersehen.””  Dr. Helen writes:  I am personally thankful for all the cards, gifts and loving words we received from our UBF community – they are a great comfort to us.”


(Chicago UBF Facebook - www.facebook.com/ubfchicago)


On 5/27/20 Dr. Helen Rarick’s mother, Frieda Maheras, passed into eternal glory with Christ at the age of 87. 

Helen Rarick writes: “My sister and I were at her side, saying prayers. She went very peacefully into the arms of God. My mother always supported our UBF ministry through the years even when we were persecuted. She never missed our Chicago Christmas worship service for 36 years.  She always babysat for our children every Sunday service and all conferences. She said she prayed for Dr. Samuel Lee and Mother Barry. I prayed for her and studied the Bible with her for 8 years after the death of my father in 2007. In 2015 she began to attend a church that I had found near her home, and in April, 2016 she was baptized in this church, accepting Jesus publicly at the age of 84, a few months before we noticed the Alzheimer's symptoms begin.”

<With Mother Barry at the 2006 Chicago Christmas Worship Service>

<Dr. Helen with family and Dr. Samuel Lee at Jim and H*elenRarick’s wedding, 1989.>

She was a mother of 5 children, 9 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandchild, and was always kinds, serving many broken people who came to her for help.

'Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the LORD, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day…' 2 Tim 4:8a.