(Canada) God Has Blessed a New Douglas_Campus Ministry in Vancouver


In July 2019, as a single-family, M. Paul and his wife, M. Sarah with 3 children (All University students), Paul, Susanna, and Daniel moved to Vancouver, BC from Winnipeg, MB in Canada and pioneered two campuses of Douglas_College at Metro Vancouver area. He held on to Mark 10:45, "But to serve and to give," as a key verse of the new ministry. 

<M. Paul and Sarah with their three children at Douglas>

Prayer topics are:

1. Douglas Group Bible Study: Currently online on every Friday
2. Sunday Worship Service: Online with students from Metro Vancouver, BC, and Winnipeg, MB
3. 9 Growing Disciples: Achilles, Ella, Noor, Susanna, Heart, Daniel, Warren, Paul, Joshua to pioneer campuses in Vancouver Area
4. Three 2nd gens to be disciplined by online 1:1 mentors from Chicago UBF
5. Daniel may grow in 5 years to serve the next-gen ministry
6. 1st gen leaders may well co-work with next-gen leaders

<Douglas Campus Area, Spring 2020>