(Chicago) Pray for Dr. HelenRarick's Mother to be Recovered from the Stroke

By Dr. HelenRarick

I am asking prayer for my mother, FriedaMaheras. You know, she always supported our UBF ministry through the years even when we were persecuted more severely.  She never missed our Christmas worship service for 36 years.  I prayed for her and studied the Bible with her for 8 years after the death of my father in 2007. In 2015 she began to attend a local church and in April, 2016 she was baptized in this church, accepting Jesus publicly at the age of 84, a few months before we noticed the Alzheimer's symptom beginning. God is good!

She has been in a nursing home since June 2018. She is 87 and has Alzheimer's We have been praying for her nursing home and this week, they revealed they had one case of Covid-19 of a staff member.

Last week Wed, my mother had a stroke. The cardiologist just confirmed it.  It has been difficult because no one can visit there. We had to give all information online in the hospital parking lot last week for her to be admitted. So, we can't see her for ourselves and rely on the doctors and nurses for her condition. She is negative for covid-19. The stroke seems to have affected her speaking and swallowing. She is confused and can still speak, but difficult for her to get words out coherently. They are having a speech therapist work with her. She does understand what people are telling her although she had the Alzheimer's previously so this had been not normal. She can swallow but has to use pureed food mostly. She will stay in the hospital for now - they are talking about putting her on blood thinners, letting her rest, and seeing how her recovery goes.

I am asking prayer for her to be protected from Covid-19 while in the hospital, to recover from the stroke so that she is not suffering terribly until our Lord Jesus takes her to Him, and to have peace in Jesus in the midst of the confusion of her mind.

Thank you and God bless you,

Dr. Helen