(USA/Update) God's Healing upon M. M*aryMin from COVID-19



Thank God for God's healing upon M. M*ary. She recently resumed her work by God's grace. Here are thanksgiving and prayer topics. 

1. Thank God for God's healing hands upon her as well as all family members. Especially, M. J*oshua had symptoms but recovered without any further development and he was able to serve the whole family without any limitations. Praise God!  
2. May God continue to protect M. M*ary from Covid-19 at work
3. May God strengthen her body and spirit to bear intensive hospital workloads. 

Thank you so much for all your prayer supports!



Praise God for his grace and thank you for your prayers to restore her remarkably. Yet her Dr. says she needs one more week to be quarantined. Please keep praying,

1. M. M*ary's complete recovery from the remaining symptoms of COVID-19, especially cough and stomach sickness having one more week quarantine. 
2. God's proper time to go back to work (RN) after complete recovery.
3. J*oshua and 3 second-gens may be fully restored.


Luke 4:38, 39, "Now Simon's mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and they asked Jesus to help her. So he bent over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her. She got up at once and began to wait on them."

I and my 3 kids participated in prayer relay each day and shouted, "Jesus rebuked the fever!!" at night time based on Luke 4:38, 39

Praise Jesus who has the power to rebuke the fever! 

Thanksgiving topics, 

1. Thank God for protecting M. M*ary from high fever (103-104 daily for 2 weeks) with severe other symptoms and helping her to go through such hardship without major issues such as shortness of breath, or a lung infection. 
2. Thank God for helping her fever finally to be subsided down to 99 from today! Praise the Lord!!! 
3. Thank God for Chicago coworkers' sacrificial care including HQ and love for our family with practical needs of food, and prayers daily during 2 weeks quarantine. 
4. Thank God for many coworkers around the world who have remembered our family and struggled with us in prayer battles!!! I have received numerous encouraging emails, phone calls, and text messages from the world that I have never been experienced before. 
5. Thank God for healing all 3 kids and also protecting M. J*oshuaMin from the Coronavirus' severe symptoms so far so that he can serve the rest of the families. 

Prayer topics

1. M. M*ary may be completely restored from the remaining symptoms (especially severe cough) and also the fever may be well controlled in a few days. 
2. Kids may be healed completely and may restore M. J*oshua from cough, mild headache, and tiredness. 


M. M*aryMin got a positive result to COVID-19 test while working (RN) at an ICU where many covid-19 patients are extremely suffering and dying daily. On the night of April 17th, she had a hard time with body/muscle aches, vomiting, fever (103F), and a sore throat. She said she felt almost dead due to troubles with sleeping, too. But she still has no breathing problem thankfully. Please pray for her to eat and drink normally, and to normalize her fever soon. The 3 kids (Grace 17, Daniel 15 and Esther 13) are up and down with fever and cough but have no major issues. I (Joshua) have no fever but a cough. May God have mercy on me not to get sick so I may take care of the rest of my family well. We are thankful for many Chicago coworkers who signed up for food delivery for us and many loving prayers from all. May the Lord our God heal M. M*ary completely and fully restore her health and protect the family.
