(Updated Prayer Request) Pray for God's Hands on Rob and Jackie's Family in Riverside (USA)

<Feb. 20, 2020>

<Left to right upper line: Msn. ProvidenceLee, JoshuaLee (12), JacquelineGuzman, Msn. JohnLee, IsaiahLee (10), EllieHopeman (25)
Left to right lower line: DanielLee (8), MalachiLee (2), Ana MariaSolano (15), VictorSolano (7), DavidSolano (8), Msn. LydiaHopeman.>
*To prevent personal information on Google, we use first and last name without space or first name with initials 

Thank you for all your prayer. Victor, our son suffered many days with unbelievable high fever and sleepless nights. We were afraid of his health but God slowly is recovering him. M. Jackie's operation went well. She needs further check-ups.

Yesterday (2/19) Two families (Grace UBF Santa Ana, California; M. Lydia H. with Elie and M. John L.'s with 4 children.) drove from afar to visit us sharing a word with a very rich lunch leaving a letter of encouragement and material offers. We thank God for their love and for M. Monica B. (Chicago UBF), my daughter Ana's Bible teacher and Los Angels Region chapters' visiting, supporting us materially so many times as well as prayer supports of all UBF community around the world. We feel the kingdom of God closer through these acts of love, faith, and kindness especially in times of my injury and Jackie, and Victor's sickness. Muchas gracias!   

<Feb. 19, 2020>

Rob and Jackie S. from Mexico have been serving the Riverside mission in California, USA for over a decade. Jackie had an operation on Feb. 13 at 1 pm to see whether she has malignant breast cancer or not. The results will come at the end of February. Meanwhile, their youngest son got sick for a week with fever reaching over 106 °F. They could not sleep with their son. Still, doctors could not diagnose his condition. Please pray for this family.