Zacheous from Uganda Visited Chicago UBF and Shared the Work of God in Uganda and Iowa, USA.


"For this is what the Lord has commanded us “ I have made you a light for the gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth” (Acts 13:47)

About us

I am Zacchaeus K. from Uganda and I am pursuing a Ph.D. in genetics and Genomics at Iowa State University. I came to the USA in the fall of 2017, and my wife joined me six months later. In October 2018, God gave us Megan, our beautiful firstborn. Also 2 years ago, Mike joined us from Uganda, and he is currently finalizing his master's program in agriculture and biosystems engineering. We all were welcomed by missionary Samuel and Rebecca Kim. 

Mission Field 

Iowa state university hosts over 36000 students, with over 4000 international students from at least 49 countries. We thank God for this vast and overwhelming field, with opportunities to serve Him. Given this vast population, it is not uncommon to find a multitude of students who have no idea who Jesus is or who do not believe in the business of God. Many students, both American and international alike seem too busy for God, taken up by their studies, video games and jobs. Therefore, the field is ripe for the harvest, but we are also mostly taken up by our daily works and school. I repent of my complacence and pray that may God use me and our fellowship to bring one soul to the light of Jesus this year through bible study 

Sunday Worship Service 

We usually do Sunday Worship Service in bible study format. Msn. Samuel and Rebecca stay about 2 hours away from ISU and therefore we meet via skype every week for SWS. We thank God for the commitment by msn. Samuel to lead our worship service. My family, Mike and Deo (our friend from Uganda) attend regularly, even though Deo studies at Villanova univ. We are currently studying Mark’s gospel and we pray that God may reveal to us his word and to learn more about Christ, our King. God has enabled us to study his word deeply, pray for each other and encourage one another in Christ. We know that, even though we are a small group now, like a mastered seed, God will multiply our number in his time. May God sustain our faith and help us worship Him in spirit and in truth. 

On-Campus Fellowship 

ISU student body comprises of over 4000 international students, majority of whom are from India, China and Malaysia with little or no Christian faith background. Therefore, we started an on-campus fellowship last year, specifically targeting international students amidst us. We meet twice a month and we are currently studying John’s gospel. Even though most times, Mike, Sylvia and I are the only attendees, we thank God that some other students, join us occasionally to study his word. We usually share a meal together, study the word and share our prayer topics and pray for each other. I thank God for mike who helps in planning and execution of tasks at hand to see that this fellowship meets and my wife, Sylvia who prepares food for the fellowship. 

It is our prayer that God may lead these international students to him through our on-campus fellowship and his word. Mike is already doing one to one bible study with one student from China. 

International Friendship Connection (IFC) 

We also participate in IFC, affiliated with Cornerstone church of Ames. Once a week during semester, international students gather in an American home and share a meal and do group bible study, by designated leaders of IFC. We thank God for helping us take part in this ministry because God has taught us humility and service and realized that the field is just ripe. May God increase our faith to overcome or busy schedules and boldly reach out to these lost souls one by one so that they can see the light. 

Prayer topics for 2020 

1. Our mark and John bible study: Study and understand God’s word from God’s point of view 

2. Ames Community fellowship: For each one of us to help one student in one to one bible study this year 

3. Sylvia is starting her masters this semester and we are praying for God’s providence for her tuition and Megan’s Daycare 

4. Mike’s master’s thesis defense and graduation this semester 

5. Msn. Rebecca’s safe delivery next month 

One word: Light for the gentiles