(Christmas Worship Service 2019) - Chicago UBF on Dec. 15 (Video) (USA)


“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”). - Matthew 1:23

This Christmas season, we are extremely thankful for God's faithfulness as we meditate on God's presence with humanity in the Bible from cover to cover. And even to this day, God's presence and salvation story through Jesus is still ongoing. He is indeed with us! 

See preparation video below

With joyful hearts, Chicago area chapters came together to worship and celebrate Immanuel on December 15th, 2019. Around 700 attendants gathered together in the auditorium in praise, prayer, and adoration for our God who made His dwelling among us. 

<Chicago UBF Orchestra>

<Welcome by Presider>

<Praise by Chicago & Triton> 

God gifted us with creativity, and we offered it back to Him through a dramatic performance (dance, chorus, PPT presentation) led by Chatelaine D. It depicted Jesus' power to save us from captivity and darkness stemmed from sin. It was truly a time of rejoicing for all. "Emmanuel has come. That lonely, longing hearts may be rescued. Rejoice! Rejoice! He comes back again soon. Full manifest of work which God approved." (lyrics from the performance)

<Dramatic Performance - Choir: "Immanuel, God with Us"> 

<Dramatic Performance: Passage Reading>

<Dramatic Performance - Dance: "Immanuel, God with Us"> 

<United Chorus-I: "Love Came Down at Christmas"> 

P. Steve S. (Toledo) delivered a heart-moving Christmas message based on Matthew 1:18-25.

<Message: "Immanuel, God Is with Us"> 

The message shed light on Immanuel in three ways: God is with us through His interruption, intervention, and invitation. Holy Spirit spoke to our hearts with the love of God that brought Jesus in flesh to call us back to Him. It’s an amazing truth that God wants to be with us unconditionally. He’ll do anything to be with us—He interrupts our lives so He can completely intervene in our sin problems and invite us to eternal life.

In addition, we were thankful that God accepted our worship through beautiful music by Chicago & Triton praise team, UBF united orchestra and chorus (led by Sh. Tim M.) and DuPage’s special song.

<United Chorus-II: "Once in Royal David's City"> 

<DuPage’s special song: "L 'Enfance du Christ"> 

We also had the opportunity to give a Christmas offering that will be dedicated to international humanitarian relief for the next 3 years.

<Offering Prayer>

In closing, P. Kevin A. concluded the service with a prayer. Thank God for blessing our 2019 United Christmas Worship Service by His abundant grace!

<Closing Prayer>