(Christmas Worship Service 2019) - Canada Toronto on Dec. 17 (CANADA)


174 people attended, more than half of whom were students and shepherds. M. Charles K. delivered a touching Christmas message based on John 1:14, with the title “The Word became flesh.” His message well revealed Jesus, the Word, Creator God, who became flesh to be the friend of sinners, and eventually to save us and lead us to his eternal kingdom.

Before his message, there was a beautiful duet of “O Holy Night!” by Dr. John J. and Esther L. (John J. came as a one-year exchange research professor from Korea to Toronto, invited by Dr. Henry K.)

After the message there was also a powerful chorus, “Is He Worthy?” by GTA choir with a soloist, Johnny Lee. Finally, we had a Christmas Drama, written by Paulina L. and directed by Ian A.  The drama well supported the message, vividly showing the incarnate Jesus’ encounter with modern Nicodemus, Samaritan woman, and 38-year invalid man, as each one’s friend and Savior. 

Through this Christmas worship, we could renew our faith in Jesus who came to be a friend to lost souls in our campuses, encountering them and saving them, and raising them as his disciples, one after another. Thank God for whole-hearted coworking of all coworkers from the six chapters of the GTA. May God continue to bless our coworking spirit and use us as his gospel workers in this city and in Canada, so that Toronto may be a holy city, Canada a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. 

All our thanks and praises be to Jesus, the Word, who became flesh, and revealed God’s glory, full of grace and truth!

In Christ,

M. Joshua Lee