North America Senior Staff Meeting was Held at Chicago UBF on Oct. 3, 2019

General director P. Moses Yoon's keynote message was delivered with the title, "For Even the Son of Man" (Mk 10:45) and P. Teddy's group bible study leading was (Mk 10:32-45) followed. 

They gathered to discuss the upcoming key events; North America Staff Conference, "Rejoice to participate in Christ's sufferings" (1 Pet, C1-3) (1.9-11/2020, Chicago) / "ISBC 2023" (8/3-6/2023, UIUC) / 2020 Vision Camp (August, place TBA) / GLEF (August, New Jersey) / CME new chair: Dr. Samuel H. Lee from Jan 2019 and On-line-Education program etc.

In 2018, UBF sent out 81 new missionaries and an average of 8,866 attended Sunday worship service.

We prayed together earnestly for "Founder's day, NA staff conference, P. Moses Yoon's New Year key verse and direction, New year Directors' conferences including Southern Latin Conference in Brazil (1/16-19/2020), Raising leaders of next generations and engaging in 5,000 weekly one to one ministry in North America UBF.