HQ Online Courses: Fall Registration Opens August 5

HQ Online Courses: Fall Registration Opens August 5

The UBF HQ Online School Program is intended to support and equip UBF leaders (including chapter directors and local UBF ministry leaders) as better ministers of Christ by examining and delving into the breadth and depth of important Christian topics. This program is biblical, concise, and relevant to UBF ministry. For this, we are offering three online courses for fall 2019: Church History 2, Bible Doctrine 2 and Intro to New Testament 2. See the course descriptions provided below.

Course Period: Sep. 2 – Dec. 6, 2019

Registration opens on Aug 5, 2019.

Each class has a capacity of 12 students.

Those who are interested, please contact us at ubfonlineschool@gmail.com (the coordinators: Pastor Kevin Albright and Dr. Augustine Suh) or click the link (http://www.ubf.org/education-dept/ubf-hq-online-school/contact-us) by August 26, 2019. For further information, see the HQ Online School section on ubf.org (http://www.ubf.org/education-dept/ubf-hq-online-school)

Church History 2:

Church History course is designed to provide ministers with a working knowledge of the major themes, issues, and people of church history and to make use of the rich resources of church history in our practice of ministry. This course (Church History II) is a survey of the development of the Christian church from the Reformation to the present day. It covers major events, issues, people, and ideas that shaped the life and doctrine of the Christian church. The course will provide an examination of church history from an evangelical, ecumenical perspective.

Bible Doctrine 2:

Bible Doctrine course is designed to provide gospel workers with a sound understanding of biblical faith based on biblical and evangelical theology. This course (Bible Doctrine II) covers the major themes of Christian faith: Christology (Biblical teaching on Christ and his work, Soteriology (Biblical teaching on salvation) and Pneumatology (Biblical teaching on the Holy Spirit). Each theme will be covered in depth and be reflected on biblical and historical aspects, and on practical applications.

Introduction to New Testament 2:

This course is designed to provide gospel workers with a sound understanding of biblical interpretation and overall view of the New Testament. Furthermore, this course will equip students with independent skills and knowledge to interpret the NT, especially the Pauline Epistles, in today's context. This course will focus on the general historical (social, religious, political) setting of the New Testament, the authorship, date and the development of the central themes, general contents, purposes and historical settings of the Pauline Epistles and the General Epistles. It will briefly deal with the Rhetorical approach of the New Testament in terms of methodology.